
Latin grammar dum with aliquis
Latin grammar dum with aliquis

Quis, and its compounds, in comic writers have sometimes quis in the feminine gender. All these compounds have seldom or never queis, but quibus, in their dat. Quicunque, quæcunque, quodcunque cujuscunque cuicunque Quidam, quædam, quoddam or quiddam cujusdam cuidam Quilibet, quælibet, quodlibet or quidlibet cujuslibct cuilibet Quivis, quævis, quodvis or quidvis cujusvis cuivis. The compounds of qui are quicunque, whosoever quidam, some quilibet, quivis, any one, whom you please which are thus declined: Nom. The compounds which have quis in the middle, are, ecquisnam, who? vnusquisque, gen. Ne quod or ne quid ne cujus ne cui Num quis, num qua, Aliquis, aliqua, aliquod or aliquid alicujus alicui Ecquis, ecqua or ecque, ecquod or ecquid eccujus eccui

latin grammar dum with aliquis

Which for the most part are read separately thus, ne quis, si quis, num quis. as, aliquis, some ecquis, who? of et and quis also, nequis, siquis, numquis, and in the nominative and accusative plur. The compounds of quis, in which quis is put last, have qua in the nom. Quisquam has also quicquam for quidquam accusative, quenquam, without the feminine.

latin grammar dum with aliquis

at all, and the neuter only in the nominative and accusative. Quisnam, quænam, quodnam or quidnam cujusnam Quispiam, quæpiam, quodpiam or quidpiam cujuspiam cuipiam Quisquam, quæquam, quodquam or quidquam cujusquam cuiquam Quisque, quæque, quodque or quidque cujusque Quisquis, quidquid or quicquid cujuscujus cuicui.Īnd so in the other cases according to the simple quis. The compounds of quis, in which it is put first, are quisnam, who? quispiam, quisquam, any one quisque, every one quisquis, whosoever which are thus declined:

latin grammar dum with aliquis

Quis in composition is sometimes the first, sometimes the last, and sometimes likewise the middle part of the word compounded but qui is always the first.ġ. The pronouns which we find most frequently compounded, are quis and qui.

Latin grammar dum with aliquis